Financial Aid Services

DJA Events

Orbund Vision Conference Feb. 19-20 San Juan, Puerto Rico

NACCAS Workshop March 16-17
Orlando, Florida

ABHES Conference March 25-27
Louisville, Kentucky

SPECS Annual Conference April 11-14
Sonoma, California

Career Education Convention May 27-29
Las Vegas, Nevada

NACCAS Workshop June 13-16
Arlington, Texas

NACCAS Workshop September 5-8
Las Vegas, Nevada

CAPPS Annual Conference TBD

CSPEN Annual Conference TBD

DJA Financial Aid Services

DJA has been serving our clients since 1988. Today, the company serves clients in almost every state, providing quality work and personalized service, building DJA’s reputation as one of the top companies in the financial aid services industry.

Even with DJA’s success and growth, the company’s foundational philosophy remains the same: to provide personalized service yielding professional results.

Our team would love to connect with your school at one of our upcoming exhibitor events. We attend conferences throughout the year and hope to be in your area soon!